On this page I would like to introduce you to the work and studies I have done in the past, and to the wonderful and exciting projects I am working on together with Peter and the dear friends and teachers we have encountered on our path.
About me
Ever since I was a little child I have felt a deep connection with Nature. And though I was raised to worship in a Christian church, I always felt curious about all religions and their doctrines, even the lesser-known ones, so I tried to read about them as much as I could. I always found that if you went back far enough, the fundamental message was usually much the same.
I was born and raised in the Netherlands, but moved to Spain in my early twenties and have been a Spanish resident since 1981.
My personal search has led me to explore many paths. I started to practice Yoga in the early 1980s and I went through all levels of Alpha training (comparable to the ‘Da Silva Method’) with Dr. Daniel Müller in Murcia, Spain. I followed courses in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and read every book I could find about spiritual subjects that interested me.
I've travelled all over the world as a flight attendant for a major airline for over 30 years, which gave me the chance to visit many different peoples and explore their cultures. Thus I found out a lot more about the religions that didn’t have famous writings to teach their doctrines.
Everywhere I found people who had kept the ways of their ancestors and still lived according to the traditions taught by their elders. I felt very much drawn to their way of thinking about everything in Nature; Plants, Animals, People and all of the Elements. Learning about their ceremonies made me yearn for this kind of communion.
I began to be aware of the presumptuous attitude of those of us who call ourselves "civilized", but can't survive for a week without a supermarket, while at the same time branding most of the natives of continents conquered by our ancestors as "primitive". Most important of all, I started to listen to these "Nature People". What touched me most was how peoples who still live in harmony with Nature, in traditions that never exclude any creed or god, never judge any belief-system, as long as it is respectful of Nature and treats all her creatures as equal. That’s how I discovered Shamanism.
Life has given me many gifts, not least the encounter with the man I know to be my Sacred Spouse, Peter, with whom I share every thought and experience. When we came together we found out we were walking the same path and had always been connected.
Together we explored Sacred Geometry, as presented to the world by Drunvalo Melchizedeck. We visited writer Bob Frissell in California and took his workshops ‘Breath of Life’ and ‘Flower of Life’. We took Drunvalo’s Living in the Heart workshop, twice, just for the love of it. And last but not least, we trained with the great Shaman Slim Spurling, inventor of the Light-Life™ Tools, learning about how they work. Slim also taught us the ancient art of dowsing, in its simplest form.
One day, we traveled to the Californian Desert of Joshua Tree. We felt called to a workshop called Munay-Ki, presented by Four Winds, the organization of Alberto Villoldo. Wake and Kinlen Wheeler, whom we now may call our dear friends, facilitated it. Here we met for the first time representatives of the Q’ero, the indigenous nation of Peru who claims to be direct descendants of the Inca priests.
Fascinated with their way of working with the Elements and their energy, and wanting to learn more, we found two travelling Shamans of the Q’ero in the Netherlands; Don Mariano and Don Alejandro.
I followed two workshops with them and received a Karpay, a personal initiation, from Don Alejandro. I was aware of a deep connection with Don Alejandro, which he confirmed, telling me that we are connected on a deeper level. So when saying goodbye to him, I told him that Peter and I would come to visit him in his village in the High Andes of Perú.
During this trip we both received the Hatun Karpay, or great initiation, on the Path of the Andes. Don Alejandro has trained me in shamanic practice; Soul Retrieval, Chakra Clearing, and most of all in performance of ceremonies for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and all her Elements.
During later visits to Peru I have also been drawn to work with the sacred plant Huachuma, in Spanish called San Pedro. I have received training in this work from our good friend Julian Papacho, a native Peruvian from Arequipa who now lives and works in Cusco.
Another tradition that has been calling us is that of the Mexhicas. We have followed workshops with them in Mexico and have befriended our teachers Alma&Xolotl with whom we now work regularly when they visit Europe.
From them I have received experience in the Temazcal, the Mexican sweatlodge and earlier on I received permission to pour the sweatlodge from a North American lineage, both traditions permitting me to develop my own style in the lodges that we celebrate regularly at Terra Sacra. Peter is a wonderful guardian and firekeeper during these ceremonies.
You will find more information about all our events on the next pages.
I sincerely hope this site will be of service to you on your personal path,
From my heart to yours, Alice